Seth Abramson​​
Longer Essays
Title: "On Transcendent Metamodernism"
Date: July 27, 2014
Link to Document: PDF
Title: "The Golden Age of American Poetry Is Now"
Date: August 3, 2013
Publication: Spoon River Poetry Review (38.1)
Link to Document: PDF
Shorter Essays
You can search the list of essays below by topic; use the "Ctrl+F" function on your keyboard and the pound symbol. Available topics are: #film, #interview, #law, #mfa, #metamod (metamodernism), #poetry, #politics, #sports, #comics, and #tv. For poetry reviews in The Huffington Post, please see the "Reviews" section of this site; a link to this section of the site can be found in the main menu bar, above.
➤ "10 Reasons 'Force Awakens' Is the Best 'Star Wars' Film," The Huffington Post, December 31, 2015 {Link} #film
➤ "20 More Plot Holes in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens,'" The Huffington Post, December 22, 2015 {Link} #film
➤ "40 Unforgivable Plot Holes in 'The Force Awakens," The Huffington Post, December 21, 2015 {Link} #film
➤ "We Must Fix This Major Glitch in Constitutional Law," The Huffington Post, November 11, 2015 {Link} #law
➤ "The Month in Metamodernism #3," The Huffington Post, July 21, 2015 {Link} #metamod
➤ "The Month in Metamodernism #2," The Huffington Post, June 11, 2015 {Link} #metamod
➤ "The Month in Metamodernism #1," The Huffington Post, June 1, 2015 {Link} #metamod
➤ "Five More Basic Principles of Metamodernism," The Huffington Post, May 12 {Link} #metamod
➤ "What Into the Woods Has to Do With David Foster Wallace," Indiewire, April 28, 2015 {Link} #film
➤ "Ten Basic Principles of Metamodernism," The Huffington Post, April 27, 2015 {Link} #metamod
➤ "Metamodern Literature and the Metaverse," The Huffington Post, April 15, 2015 {Link} #metamod
➤ "The Metamodernist Manifesto," The Huffington Post, April 8, 2015 {Link} #metamod
➤ "15 Questions: An Interview with Seth Abramson," BlazeVOX, March 29, 2015 {Link} #interview
➤ "Josh Kalscheur with Seth Abramson: An Interview," The Conversant, March 7, 2015 {Link} #interview
➤ "Franco's Let Me Get What I Want Proves That the Kid's All Right," Indiewire, February 23, 2015 {Link} #film
➤ "Book Erases Boundary Between Poetry and Nonfiction," The Huffington Post, January 12, 2015 {Link} #poetry
➤ "The Philosophy Behind James Franco's The Interview," The Huffington Post, December 18, 2014 {Link} #metamod
➤ "Gorillaz' Plastic Beach Is Our A Hard Day's Night," Indiewire, December 8, 2014 {Link} #film
➤ "Six Reasons Wisconsin Should Make the College Football Playoff," SB Nation, December 1, 2014 {Link} #sports
➤ "Too Many Cooks Is a Political Statement Worth Hearing," Indiewire, November 21, 2014 {Link} #tv #film
➤ "I Don't Believe a Word of This and Explicitly Denounce Every Syllable," Nailed, November 14, 2014 {Link} #poetry
➤ "Chris Nolan's Interstellar Offers Us a New 'Theory of Everything'", Indiewire, November 12, 2014 {Link} #film
➤ "Birdman Is the Iron Man Finale You've Been Waiting For," Indiewire, November 6, 2014 {Link} #film #metamod
➤ "Can Trolling Media Outlets Revitalize U.S. Poetry?", The Huffington Post, October 31, 2014 {Link} #metamod
➤ "Hawkeye, Normcore Avenger," Indiewire, October 22, 2014 {Link} #comics #metamod
➤ "Metamodernism: The Basics (Part III)", The Huffington Post, October 20, 2014 {Link} #poetry #metamod
➤ "Metamodernism: The Basics (Part II)", The Huffington Post, October 15, 2014 {Link} #poetry #metamod
➤ "Metamodernism: The Basics (Part I)", The Huffington Post, October 13, 2014 {Link} #poetry #metamod
➤ "The State of Risk in Postmodern Verse (Part 2)," The Huffington Post, October 7, 2014 {Link} #poetry #metamod
➤ "The Missing Scarf Forecasts Our Adorable, Inescapable Apocalypse," Indiewire, October 3, 2014 {Link} #film
➤ "The State of Risk in Postmodern Verse," The Huffington Post, October 1, 2014 {Link} #poetry #metamod
➤ "T.C. Boyle, 'On So-Called Metamodernism'", Nailed, September 22, 2014 {Link} #poetry #metamod
➤ "Why James Franco's 'Making a Scene' Is Worth Your Patience," Indiewire, September 19, 2014 {Link} #tv
➤ "Rick and Morty: The Ballad of Abradolf Lincler," Indiewire, September 5, 2014 {Link} #tv #metamod
➤ "Metamodernist Manifesto: After Postmodernism (V)," The Huffington Post, August 29, 2014 {Link} #metamod
➤ "Metamodernist Manifesto: After Postmodernism (IV)," The Huffington Post, August 27, 2014 {Link} #metamod
➤ "Metamodernist Manifesto: After Postmodernism (III)," The Huffington Post, August 25, 2014 {Link} #metamod
➤ "Metamodernist Manifesto: After Postmodernism (II)," The Huffington Post, August 22, 2014 {Link} #metamod
➤ "Metamodernist Manifesto: After Postmodernism (I)," The Huffington Post, August 15, 2014 {Link} #metamod
➤ "Metamodernist Manifesto: Rebirth of the Author," The Huffington Post, August 1, 2014 {Link} #metamod
➤ "Outlaw Country Goes Psychedelic: An Interview with Sturgill Simpson," August 14, 2014 {Link} #interview
➤ "Anthology of Metamodern Literature Hits U.S. Bookshelves," The Huffington Post, May 11, 2014 {Link} #metamo
➤ "The Widening Gender Gap in Contemporary American Poetry," The Huffington Post, April 21, 2014 {Link} #poetry
➤ "Is James Franco a Creep?Thank God We'll Never Know", Indiewire, April 7, 2014 {Link} #film
➤ "Hannah Horvath Is the Last Thing the Writers' Workshop Needs," Indiewire, March 31, 2014 {Link} #tv #mfa
➤ "What's Behind the Puzzling Bum Rap True Detective Has Gotten?", Indiewire, March 21, 2014 {Link} #tv
➤ "South Park: The Stick of Truth Is a Fantasy RPG That's All Too Real," Indiewire, March 14, 2014 {Link} #tv
➤ "Talks on Metamodernism With Seth Abramson," As It Ought To Be, March 12, 2014 {Link} #interview #metamod
➤ "Paolo Sorrentino's The Great Beauty Is Exactly That," Indiewire, February 28, 2014 {Link} #film
➤ "The Lego Movie: Metamodernism for Kids," Indiewire, February 14, 2014 {Link} #film #metamod
➤ "On American Metamodernism," The Huffington Post, February 7, 2014 {Link} #metamod
​​➤ "Is Martin Scorsese's Latest Offering Unbelievable on Purpose?", Indiewire, January 31, 2014. {Link} #film
➤ "3 Poems and An Interview with Seth Abramson," Poem of the Week, January 29, 2014. {Link} #interview #poetry
➤ "The Public Apology of Shia LaBeouf," The Huffington Post, January 13, 2014. {Link} #film #poetry #metamod
➤ "Shia LaBeouf: Plagiarist or Genius?", Indiewire, January 10, 2014. {Link} #film #poetry #metamod
➤ "A Metamodern Sonnet for 2013," The Huffington Post, December 31, 2013 {Link} #poetry #metamod
➤ "Top 5 Most Preposterous Scenes in Desolation of Smaug," The Huffington Post, December 14, 2013. {Link} #film
➤ "Ted Cruz Supporters Offer 'Eulogy' for Mandela," The Huffington Post, December 6, 2013. {Link} #poetry #politics
➤ "Interview on Reviewing with Seth Abramson," The Huffington Post, November 1, 2013. {Link} #poetry #interview
➤ "Joseph Gordon-Levitt Dons the Jerk Gear for Don Jon," Indiewire, October 17, 2013. {Link} #film #politics
➤ "You Got the Miley You Paid For, America," Indiewire, October 10, 2013. {Link} #tv #mfa
➤ "15 Truths About the U.S. Criminal Justice System," Boston Review, September 18, 2013. {forthcoming} #law
➤ "Why American Movie Classics' Hell on Wheels Is a Hot Mess," Indiewire, August 30, 2013. {Link} #tv
➤ "The Top 200 Advocates for American Poetry in 2013," The Huffington Post, August 13, 2013. {Link} #poetry
➤ "The Most Interesting Thing About Conceptualism Is It Doesn't Exist," Volta, August 6, 2013. {Link} #poetry
➤ "America, Meet Your Poets," The Huffington Post, July 30, 2013. {Link} #poetry #mfa
➤ "How 'Orange Is the New Black' Humanizes Inmates," The Washington Post, July 26, 2013. {Link} #tv #politics
➤ "Is Reggie Watts the Most Important Artist of the Century?", Indiewire, July 23, 2013. {Link} #film #tv #poetry
➤ "Ten Things You Need to Know About Metamodernism," The Huffington Post, July 22, 2013. {Link} #poetry
➤ "On Literary Metamodernism," The Huffington Post, July 20, 2013. {Link} #poetry #mfa #metamod
➤ "Zimmerman Case Proves the Left Was Right on Crime," The Huffington Post, July 14, 2013. {Link} #politics
➤ "Are the Belchers of Bob's Burgers the New All-American Family?", Indiewire, July 5, 2013. {Link} #tv
➤ "An Open Letter to Richard Linklater: Let Jesse and Celine Separate," Indiewire, June 21, 2013. {Link} #film
➤ "Why Is Contemporary American Poertry So Good?", The Huffington Post, June 20, 2013. {Link} #poetry
➤ "You Are What You Play With: How Sesame Street Generated a Generation, Indiewire, June 18, 2013. {Link} #tv
➤ "Attention Red Wedding Crashers: Enjoy a Best-in-Genre Moment," Indiewire, June 7, 2013. {Link} #film
➤ "The Dangers of An Empty Suit: Marvel Comics' War on War Continues," Indiewire, June 4, 2013. {Link} #film
➤ "The Golden Age of American Poetry Is Now," Spoon River Poetry Review, 2013. {Link} #poetry 
➤ "On What Is Amazing," Center for the Book at the New Hampshire State Library, April 28, 2013. {Link} #poetry
➤ "On Ed Dorn's 'Gunslinger'", Voltage Poetry, March 21, 2013. {Link} #poetry

➤ "A Singular Moment in the Historicity of Letters," Philadelphia Review of Books, March 18, 2013. {Link} #poetry
➤ "The Fuzzy Logic of 'Wilfred': How FX Turned a Dog Suit Inside Out," Indiewire, February 27, 2013. {Link} #tv

➤ "On Tarantino, Race, and the Genre Question," Philadelphia Review of Books, February 21, 2013. {Link} #film
➤ "A 'Next Big Thing' Self-Interview: Seth Abramson," Facebook, February 13, 2013. {Link} #interview #poetry
➤ "The Association of Writing Programs Strikes Back," LitBridge, February 11, 2013. {Link} #mfa

➤ "​Exactly How Big Is a Hobbit?", Philadephia Review of Books, January 17, 2013. {Link} #film

➤ "​Fantasy, Film, and Other F-Words," Philadephia Review of Books, January 24, 2013. {Link} #film
➤ "​Out of the Frying Pan and Onto the Screen," Philadephia Review of Books, January 31, 2013. {Link} #film

➤ "Dislike Peter Jackson's 'The Hobbit'? You Don't Know Tolkien," Huffington Post, January 3, 2013. {Link} #film

➤ "Tolkien Would Be Proud of Peter Jackson's 'The Hobbit,'" Huffington Post, December 27, 2013. {Link} #film

➤ "Teaching in the Margins," Full Stop, November 8, 2012. {Link} #interview

➤ "An Open Letter to Governor Romney," We Represent the 47 Percent, September 21, 2012. {Link} #politics

➤ "Is Writing a Learned Skill or a Natural Talent?", LitBridge, September 14, 2012. {Link} #poetry #interview
➤ "1/2 Dozen: An Interview with Julianna Baggott," Baggott Asher & Bode, September 7, 2012 {Link} #interview

➤ "Further Reading on the 2013 MFA Index," Poets & Writers, August 17, 2012. {Link} #mfa

➤ "100 Ways Poetry Is in Your Life," Suburban Ecstasies, August 4, 2012. {Link} #poetry

➤ "On the Power of Positive Poetry-Reviewing: Part II," Suburban Ecstasies, July 18, 2012. {Link} #poetry

➤ "There's a War On in American Poetry: Part III," Suburban Ecstasies, July 15, 2012. {Link} #poetry

➤ "On the Power of Positive Poetry-Reviewing: Part I," Suburban Ecstasies, July 15, 2012. {Link} #poetry

➤ "A Poetics," Suburban Ecstasies, July 15, 2012 {Link} #poetry

➤ "The Disintegrating Quality of Avant-Garde Discourse: Part II," Suburban Ecstasies, July 10, 2012. {Link} #poetry

➤ "The Disintegrating Quality of Avant-Garde Discourse: Part I," Suburban Ecstasies, July 10, 2012. {Link} #poetry

➤ "There's a War On in American Poetry: Part II," Suburban Ecstasies, July 8, 2012. {Link} #poetry
➤ "There's a War On in American Poetry: Part I," Suburban Ecstasies, July 5, 2012. {Link} #poetry
➤ "The Death of the Academy & the New Avant-Garde," Suburban Ecstasies, June 22, 2012. {Link} #poetry #mfa
➤ "The Silliman Paradox," Suburban Ecstasies, June 11, 2012. {Link} #poetry
➤ "A Brief History of the Creative Writing MFA: Part III," Suburban Ecstasies, June 11, 2012. {Link} #mfa
➤ "A Brief History of the Creative Writing MFA: Part II," Suburban Ecstasies, June 10, 2012. {Link} #mfa
➤ "A Brief History of the Creative Writing MFA: Part I," Suburban Ecstasies, June 9, 2012. {Link} #mfa
➤ "The Avant-Garde's Opposition to MFAs: Part II," Suburban Ecstasies, June 3, 2012. {Link} #mfa #poetry
➤ "The Avant-Garde's Opposition to MFAs: Part I," Suburban Ecstasies, June 3, 2012. {Link} #mfa #poetry

➤ "On Poetry: Sine Waves," Hunger Mountain, April 8, 2012. {Link} #mfa


➤ "The Livelihoods of the Poets," New York Magazine, December 11, 2011. {Link} #interview #mfa #poetry
➤ "Methodology Article," Poets & Writers, September 1, 2011. {Link} #mfa

➤ "I Am Corrupted," Northern Poetry Review, August 9, 2011. {Link} #poetry

​➤ "Are Major League Baseball Teams Endangering Their Fans?", Huffington Post, July 11, 2011. {Link} #sports

➤ "On Terese Svoboda's Pirate Talk or Mermalade," Devil's Lake, May 30, 2011. {Link} #poetry

➤ "Top 25 Underrated Creative Writing MFA Programs: 2011-2012," Huffington Post, April 18, 2011. {Link} #mfa

➤ "Penn State to Cut Top-Ranked MFA Program," Huffington Post, April 6, 2011. {Link} #mfa
➤ "The Controversy Over Controversy," Harriet (The Poetry Foundation), February 15, 2011. {Link} #poetry

➤ "Top 10 Creative Writing MFA Program Websites," Huffington Post, January 24, 2011. {Link} #mfa

2010 and Earlier

➤ "Six More Myths About the Creative Writing MFA," Huffington Post, December 26, 2010. {Link} #mfa

➤ "James Frey and the Creative Writing Master of Fine Arts," Huffington Post, November 26, 2010. {Link} #mfa

➤ "The Decline of the New York City MFA," Huffington Post, September 22, 2010. {Link} #mfa

➤ "The New Face of the Creative Writing Master of Fine Arts," Huffington Post, October 28, 2010. {Link} #mfa

➤ "Top 25 Underrated Creative Writing MFA Programs: 2010-2011," Huffington Post, October 8, 2010. {Link} #mfa

➤ "Columbia Professor's Email to Students Was Pure Fiction," Huffington Post, October 1, 2010. {Link} #mfa
➤ "Six Myths About the Creative Writing Master of Fine Arts," Huffington Post, September 7, 2010. {Link} #mfa

➤ "Methodology Article," Poets & Writers, September 1, 2010. {Link} #mfa

➤ "A Conversation About Arizona, Immigration, and Race: Part II," Flatmancrooked, May 21, 2010. {Link} #law

➤ "A Conversation About Arizona, Immigration, and Race: Part I," Flatmancrooked, May 19, 2010. {Link} #law

➤ "An Open Letter to Poets Who Hate the Creative Writing MFA," Flatmancrooked, April 11, 2010. {Link} #mfa
➤ "Q&A: American Poetry," Poetry Society of America, March 10, 2010. {Link} #interview

➤ "Seth Abramson Responds to James McGirk," More Intelligent Life, January 5, 2010. {Link} #mfa
➤ "Methodology Article," Poets & Writers, November 1, 2009. {Link} #mfa
➤ "An Interview with The Sycamore Review," The Sycamore Review, September 30, 2009. {Link} #interview

➤ "On Guillaume Apollinaire's 'Lundi rue Christine,'" Poetry Daily, April 7, 2009. {Link} #poetry

➤ "Out of the Suburbs," Emprise Review, February 15, 2009. {Link} #interview

➤ "A Round-Up of the Top-Funded MFA Programs," Poets & Writers, November 1, 2008. {Link} #mfa

➤ "Solving 'The English Student's Dilemma?'", Inside Higher Ed, January 18, 2008 {Link} #interview

➤ "On Illegal Immigration,", April 10, 2006. {Link} #law